Friday, August 8, 2008

Week One Photos

I´ve posted the photos of the bus ride to Quetzaltenango--also known as Xelaju, or simply Xela ('shay-la)--and of my first week of Spanish-language studies here. The photos can be found here, but I´ve pasted a few below:

On the street in Xela. My school, Escuela de Espanol I.C.A., is just to the left of the red Toyota.

A combination basketball and soccer field, just across the street from the house where I live with my host family.

One of the many colorful so-called "chicken buses" in Guatemala. This one is heading north on 24 Avenida, half a block from where I live. I think the buses are so-named because each one is typically transporting a packed multitude of people, belongings, food, and sometimes chickens.

The joke in Spanish is "¿Cuantos Guatamaltecos caben en un autobús del pollo?" and the answer is "Siempre dos más." (Or, How many Guatemalans fit in a chicken bus? Always two more.)

1 comment:

Steve Z said...

Great photos, Zach. Now why do they have a Temple of Minerva. See if you can find that out?


Dad and Cooper