Monday, September 1, 2008

More Photos

I've posted to Picasa more photos from my time in Guatemala. You can find four new albums sporting pictures of Xela's colorful but ramshackle streets, some of the sights around town, my trip to an emerald green lake, considered sacred by the M'am Maya, known as Laguna Chicabal, and finally my host family and my Spanish teacher.

And, believe it or not, there's much more to come. When I can find the time, I'm going to upload more photos of the beautiful Lago de Atitlan and the other stunningly beautiful locales I visited during my last week in Guatemala.

Check back soon!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi, Zach,

I knew there would be "more to come" once you got back. I've been looking forward to the latest installment of your Guatemalan adventure.

I knew I wouldn't be disappointed. This is big!
